Screw Loose (2020)

I got the request from a shortfilm-director to review one of his works! And I love to see a creative process from people all over the globe. So keep ém coming if you got them!
Screw Loose tells the tale of a young man and his sick obsession of stalking and hurting people through internet and taking it one step too far.
It's an intersting tale about our humanity been affected by technology and how far it could go if we let it control our lifes. A tale of our fragility and how easy it is to become a target of violence.
Screw Loose has an impressive camera-work. Might be a bit to dark to see in some scenes, but is in the end of the day very well-made, performed and doesn't hold back. If you got 8 minutes to spare, you'll be in for a ride!
4 of 5 goldenstars!